Monday, January 21, 2013

Strawberry Shortcake

My son was disappointed that I wasn't able to cut the cake for him. Poor Aiman. Mommy buat lain nanti ye.

Isn't it sinful?

I want it too!!!!

Order now at RM 75 each. :)


YUM. Lamanya tak buat Pavlova ni. I still remember I used to make pavlova in younger days with my brother. For you info, I was told that pavlova shouldn't be dark brown in colour but more to light brown. I love Pavlova and not many people appreciate it until you make your own. hahaha...what am i saying here. Oh order from me if you want to taste it. Price starts from RM 45 / RM 65. Depending how big and type of fruits you want to put it on top of the cream.

Told you so...Isn't it almost white .....?Have a nice day!

Oh Chocolate cake...


Kini....actually...keknya sama...tapi I have to admit...I just don't know how to decorate chocolate cake but don't worry...I will try and decorate it better by learning from YOU TUBE. To my devoted customer...ERNIE...thank you. I think you have ordered almost 6x of this chocolate cake. hehehe. :)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Snow Flakes Sugar Cookies

I love to explore more with Sugar Cookies. Hope it is worth it.:)

I still find it difficult to get a very smooth royal icing.

Hope you LIKE it!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Chocolate Cake for Muhammad

This cake is for a little boy name MUHAMMAD who is turning 4. He loves Mickey Mouse and favourite colour is Purple.

I wanted to make a 2D Mickey Mouse holding balloons but the entire design changed for some reasons. Anyways...this cake is 3 layer chocolate cake with buttercream in between. I just love the buttercream that I made. YUM.

I hope Muhammad will like it. Happy Birthday dear MUHAMMAD.

Brooch Fancy Sugar Cookies

Like it?

I wish to explore more with royal icing. Just love decorate cookies with it.

YUP...only six pieces.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Red Velvet Cake POP

Assalam. kek ni di buat last year bulan Disember. Entah macam mane tak diuploadkan pulak. Isinya red velvet and finally dapat buat kek pop ni dengan amannya. Seriously tak kose nak jual kek pop ni sebab mahal. Banyak sangat keje. Nak charge customer pun takut takut. Bukan ape...takut kene maki. hahaha. Nak kene buat kek....pastu nak hancurkan...campurkan pulak dgn buttercream. Kepal kepal kan kek jadi bulat...then nak celup dalam cokelat. Cokelat kene cairkan dulu....ish....banyak hal lah. Sayang sangat nak hancurkan kek baru masak tu. Tapi apa apa pun....I love kek pop ni. Ada yang teringin...saya terima je order...dan hargannya hanya RM 2.50 ( mahal tak? )

Friday, January 11, 2013

My Wishlist for 2013

Air Brush. I used to have one but time tu masih study graphic design dah juat kat junior. projector for cakes and my fancy cookies. Ade bende ni lagi senang nak lukis. Only RM 600. :(

Finally....the most important than all try drying racks for cakes, kueh, cookies ..etc. This will cost me around RM 2k. Wish me all the best!

Salam Tahun Baru 2013

Assalam semua,

Salam tahun baru...minta maaf lah ye. Lama pulak tak update blog ni. Since back from holiday tu macam macam hal nak kene buat. Restructure few things, adding more things, did some shopping, look for more ideas....and etc

Terima kasih kepada customer tahun lepas. Rasa terharu pulak tiba tiba. I hope to improve more this year and the with the new order...thank you for your support.

Just to share with you that I will be celebrating my son's 3 birthday. Dalam diam diam yang kononnya nak buat simple ...terus jadi complicated. Rasanya I will add another service in my blog soon. For the birthday I did few label design and later you can purchase from me with a very minimal amount.

Ok ok...label yang di sebutkan tu ada di bawah. Ni contoh ye. Give me few weeks to update lagi banyak label untuk birthday party anak-anak puan. :)

I hope you like it and yes...the birthday theme is THOMAS and Friends!